Pinterest reveals searching trends in April 2020 and a new tool

Pinterest is always helpful in letting us know what trends are happening and even has a site ( for everyone to be able to access.

Pinterest just released their latest trends which shows the uptick in traffic on Pinterest, likely due to all the time we have on our hands during the Stay at Home or Shelter in Place that is going on around the US during the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowing this information goes a long way to help people marketing their business on Pinterest to know where to focus our marketing time.

Pinterest noted that it’s record level usage during this time is not surprising, as we are all cooped up at home.  


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Some interesting but not surprising trends are:

  •  new ideas around the home
  • Home hair cuts
  • Working from home (WFH)
  • Recipes and baking
  • Anxiety and self-care
  • DIY beauty tutorials
  • Games/activities for kids
  • Exercise routines from home
  • Organizing your home
  • Painting / fixing things at home
  • Second revenue streams / starting an at-home business

It’s a great idea to choose a topic that is currently trending and put your spin on it for your business and your ideal bride.

For wedding photographers, you could pin hairstyles that don’t need to have hair cuts (i.e. updos). 

For a business coach, you could create a checklist or quick step by step to learning a new skill their help their business. Or maybe write a blog post on three tips to working from home.

Get creative and see how you could create content that zeroes in on what someone would search for!  

Click the image above to see Pinterest’s board

Pinterest’s Team said “Our team is curating a special board where Pinners can learn about coronavirus, browse inspiring content and find words of encouragement. Browse the board to get ideas for your next Pins—and maybe for your own life, too.” 

Toward the end of March, Pinterest introduced the Today tab for daily inspiration


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Hey there, I´m Jen

I’m a Pinterest Marketing Educator, Manager, and branding photographer.  These blog posts will include education and tips on Pinterest, marketing, content creation + repurposing, and strategies to help you grow your service-based business.