The question I get most asked from clients and potential clients is…… How to make marketing easier and less time-consuming in 2022.
Today I’ll be sharing my answer with everyone. If you have a plan and a strategy that is focused on your business goals, it makes the whole process of marketing easier!
The plan and strategy are around your process for marketing and of course consistently, which is the hardest part of marketing. If you are consistent, you’ll see growth in terms of analytics.
The other key to making it easier and less time-consuming is REPURPOSING.
Repurposing existing content is secret! We’ll cover a few different ideas of how to take content that already exists, as well as, creating a process for your marketing that starts with one piece of content which turns into content for all social media platforms and more.
I excited for you to walk away from this episode with a bunch of new ideas. AND…. a mindset to follow a process that will give you more time to spend doing what you love, instead of creating content!
Quality vs. Quantity
When you are a solopreneur, you feel like you can never create enough content. Every time you turn around, you need something else. The key is to understand that you always want to start with quality content. Quality content is what your ideal client is typing into that search bar to find your content.
Google as well as your ideal client wants quality content. The better your content is, the more trust you are building with that person and Google’s algorithm is very good at finding quality content and sharing it far and wide.
Consistency creates trust with the google algorithm. It sees you consistently pumping out quality content and will drive more traffic to your blog, and ultimately your business will grow.
Consistency is something I talk about a lot. It’s typically the one missing piece for success on social media and online.
Algorithms love consistently and tend to produce better engagement and your stuff gets seen more. And people love depending upon your steady stream of content. Oftentimes if consistency falls, so does follows and engagement.

Marketing System
What makes marketing easier is if you have a system or process that you replicate week after week. When you have a system or process, it helps you be consistent and over time you get faster at doing it.
Most of my clients come to me with inconsistent marketing because they have little to no time. Whether they are running multiple businesses, have young kids at home, or something else, my typical ideal client has no time and is looking for help. If they don’t outsource to me, the next best thing is to create a simple system that they follow each week.
Here’s a peek into what that looks like for most of my clients:
Start with CORE CONTENT.
This is typically a blog, youtube video, or podcast. (if you want a quicker way to do a blog, I’ve recommended clients talk out loud on their cell phone voice recorder or even better use You talk and it types. You would then obviously edit so that it’s good but this way you talk to type and it comes across far more authentic and readable.
Create Graphics/Repurposing Content.
Once the blog writing and editing are complete. At a different time of day, you will sit down and create graphics. Here’s a list of the main things, but you can add many more to that.
- Header graphic
- Facebook/LinkedIn Graphic
- Pinterest pin graphics which can also become IG stories
- Idea Pin which becomes a Pinterest Video, IG carousel, IG Reel, Tik Tok, IG video post
Store these graphics in a folder on google or dropbox with the title of the blog so you can quickly find it and use graphics throughout the year.
I have mentioned above ways to repurpose the content but the key is to create all the graphics at one time. When you are writing/editing, it’s a different part of your brain than when you are creating a graphic. I find I save a ton of time by doing like-minded things at the same time.
Storing them in a folder on google or dropbox helps you to find them quickly when you are in a pinch for new content on social media! YES, you can use them again. Almost NO ONE sees all your content in total and will notice when you use something again. Especially in IG stories. For posts, wait 3 months and you should be good!
I know it feels and sometimes is time-consuming, but it’s super helpful to ensure that your content is being seen by your ideal client and spread as far as possible.
There are two times when research can be done.
The first is when you have a topic. You can research to find the best title for the blog, video, or podcast. I like using ubersuggest, google keyword planner, Keywords Everywhere which is a chrome plugin that will automatically give you options when you search on google to the right side. In addition, you can also simply type your idea into google to see what appears in the drop-down menu.
The second is after you write the blog and are looking for alternative keywords to use in the blog to use different types of keywords to attract your ideal client. Also, you can use the keywords to use on Pinterest pins, titles, descriptions.
Here’s the key to not overwhelm yourself especially if you are inclined to be a perfectionist (hmm I’m offended by what I just wrote ). Even if you set a timer for 5 minutes and that’s it, it will be helpful to know what words are highly searched to boost your blogs (and all content) reach.
If you struggle with writing blogs or being consistent and research is that roadblock, ignore it for right now and just write a blog. While I’m on that topic, blogs should be more than 300 words, but if that’s a roadblock, even doing a few paragraphs to get a groove on consistency will really help and then increase it over time.
How Often Should I Create Core Content?
Since there really isn’t a perfect rhythm that Google recommends. Consider what you will commit to, what feels doable, and doesn’t overwhelm you. Whatever you choose, ensure that it’s consistent! If you can, try doing it weekly or biweekly. But if all you can do is monthly, that’s fine, as long as you commit and do it.
PRO TIP: Batching is the key to being consistent and making it easier. Remember when I spoke about working on like-minded things? If you create your four pieces of core content all in one day, you’ll be working so much faster than doing it each week. Then each week you can work on the graphics for each piece of core content.
Let me know if I missed anything or if this was helpful over on Instagram!

don’t forget to pin it!