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Things I’m Obsessed with Right Now | April Edition

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Things I’m Obsessed with Right Now | April Edition

I thought I’d do a post on my favorite things – not because I think the things I love are so great (even though I secretly think so), but because I love the things I love and perhaps someone else may agree or disagree and we’ll get some conversation going!

So…. Let’s Start! Here are my favorite things for April

My Birthday

I have to start with this because it’s one day that is all about me. Having four kids and a husband and career, I don’t do much “all about me” things. But once a year, it’s not just one day but a week-long experience. My kids and husband are pretty sick of hearing, “but it’s my birthday” when I actually speak up to disagree with a decision over dinner choices or a movie. Since I’m all about them the entire year long, I’m pretty sure they forgive me this rare selfishness that comes out for one week a year!

My Family 2017 shot by Archer Photography
My Family in 2017 shot by Archer Photogaphy


I am totally obsessed with Alexa Dot! Don’t tell my husband but this love affair is fur realz! I can’t quite tell if it’s because I’m lazy or because she just saves me time — and honestly, I don’t much care which it is. Here are just a few ways she makes me better:

  • She turns on my lights
  • She tells me the time
  • She tells me what the weather will be like on that day
  • She reads me the news in the morning
  • She gives me a few motivational podcasts while I’m getting ready for the day.
  • She reads me a recipe when my hands are gookie (yes that’s a word I made up! Don’t get jealous, you can use it!)
  • She tells me a joke
  • She tells me a story
  • She takes me through a breathing exercise when I’m anxious or stressed – of course with Alexa around, how could that ever be?
  • She answers the myriad of questions my teens ask me (making me look incredibly intelligent on all things that teens ask).
  • She also orders “all the things” from Amazon. This was a happy mistake that I found out when I said I wanted to order something from Amazon to my husband. Alexa answered me that she would be happy to put that in my cart. I was overcome with gratitude and excitement. My husband other the other hand was shocked and horrified that it would be that easy for me to order things…. he may have changed the password at the time of writing this blog (hehe)!

She won’t be going anywhere soon and for my birthday – I might be getting the one with video — YES!!!

The OA

The OA is a show on Netflix. What is this you might say? Here’s a synopsis: The OA has feminine power with Brit Marling who is the creator, executive producer and also plays the leading role of Prairie Johnson, a young woman who returns home after a 7-year disappearance. Her sudden return is not the only miraculous occurrence: everyone is shocked to learn that Prairie is no longer blind. While the FBI and her parents are anxious to discuss Prairie’s disappearance, she won’t talk about what happened during the time that she was missing.

I stumbled upon it and immediately binge watched while I was editing a wedding. It started in 2016 and everyone had to wait two years for this season. I just found it last month so I didn’t have to wait the two years — thank goodness because I am incredibly impatient with those types of things.

I’m super hopeful to not wait two years for the next season.

the oa on Netflix

False Eyelashes

I love false eyelashes. I have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis which means I suddenly gain weight, have to adjust my meds, then lose weight the hard way and I have to do this every 3-6 months. Another not so fun result of this autoimmune disease is that my eyelashes are super short and super fine and almost not existent.

My daughters who have phenomenal eyelashes (no thanks to me), choose to wear them as it adds something extra to their makeup routine and looks. Thank goodness they do because they’ve shared them with me.

Well, my life CHANGED. I feel so good wearing them, almost powerful. I’m certainly more confident. I usually don’t wear makeup very often, but those lashes are the best with or without makeup!

I got a tip from Jasmine Star about magnetic lashes and then heard Katelyn James share the brand she uses (One Two Cosmetics). So I immediately bought them.

These ones are a bit pricier at around $69, but since they are the original magnetic lashes, their magnets work incredibly well.

I’ll be honest, there are a bit tricky to get used to putting on and I haven’t been super successful on my own as you have to hold the top lash while simultaneously clipping one to the bottom. My 18-year-old has been helping me, but it’s only been two days. I’ll keep you posted on putting them on myself!

But, they stayed on for 10 hours yesterday, didn’t hurt, and I so forgot about them, I almost slept in them. Give them a try!

I’ll be back again next month with some more of my favorite things!

Please go check out my friend’s blog post here.

What is this 7 on 7 projects? Well, I always find inspiration from photographer friends, so we get together and create a blog on the 7th of each month and we share each other’s work.

If you love tips on wedding planning, marriage tips, and other items like this one, sign up Jen’s Advice.



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