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How Write a Review for your Wedding Photographer

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I really appreciate anyone who clicked this link to learn how to share your experience with your wedding photographer.  And if you are a JVP Bride – then I so appreciate you!!  I am always most appreciative of my JVP Brides that leave reviews!!

I have the best job in the world working with brides who are in love.  They always have the best friends and family members.  Capturing all of them for my couples so that one day their children can relive their wedding day makes my heart melt!

When my brides leave a review, it enables me to work with more brides like them!  The majority of brides that book me are referrals from brides or their family and friends.  This is so great because I love photographing weddings from a referral – because **SECRET** most brides refer people like them and I LOVE my brides!

Soooooo, thank you so much for taking the time to write up how you felt working with me for others to read. You see some tips below on how:

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Tips to Write a Review

  1. How did you Find me?
    • Please share how we met
    • Why you decided to work with me
    • Share anything in that first phone call, meeting, or email that stood out.
  2. What were you scared of and how did I help?  This seems odd but everyone has concerns or fears about hiring wedding vendors and having the perfect wedding and trying to avoid things that will ruin that. Write down any fears that were elevated by working with your photographer.  Other brides will really appreciate this one!
  3. Make it personal!  Share a story about a situation on your wedding day that you found I was helpful!

Keep in mind that reviews don’t have to belong and drawn out.  But by sharing the tips above, you’ll help a bride to know why they may be interested in working with me.

The Actual Review

Once you write the review (I subject it’s easy to do in the notes app on your cell phone). Then all you need to do is copy and paste that information into the site for reviews.

EXTRA BONUS if you do this to more than one Review Site!

There are many sites for reviews and those sites come and go.  The main ones of course plus the wedding sites.  Here are mine for an example OR if you are a JVP Bride and you want to share the love for me!





You can look at any of the links to see what previous brides have said, if you are still stuck!

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Are you getting married and looking for a photographer?

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I’d really love to chat briefly to learn about you and your sweatheart and what you have planning for your wedding.  Click HERE to schedule a free consultation by phone or video chat!!

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