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Wedding Album Choices from Jen Vazquez Photography

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YAY!  You are here if you have either ordered an album or have an album included in your wedding package.  This page will give you some options that you have with albums.

Albums are an heirloom for you, your family, your children and grandchildren.  My own kids (ages 18-32) looked at my album while they were growing up, then before my older kids got married and even on holidays.  It’s a legacy for your family.  So you want to ensure that you get everything you want!

Here are the steps that you’ll go through to get an album delivered to you:

  • In your online gallery, you’ll make a favorites list (title it Album) and include up to 75 images for a standar 20 pages (10 spread) album.  You can add and delete as you want until you are ready.
  • Email me at to let me know that your favorites are final.
  • I will customize and create your album, generally following the wedding day in order as it started.  I typically include same part of the day images on different pages, (details, getting ready, first look, ceremony, portraits, reception, etc.)
  • I will send you an email with the ability to proof the album online like you are turning pages.
  • You will make notes on any changes directly on the online proofer.
  • Email me when you’ve finalized your notes OR Confirmed it’s final and ready to go.
  • Repeat above until it’s final and ready to order
  • Fill out the form with all your album choices and add-ons by clicking the link below.
  • Once I have your album proofer notifation that you are done AND you filled out the form, I’ll order your album.

Albums come in a box (included as no charge) and typically takes about 3-4 weeks after approval of album proof and form being filled out to arrive at your home.

First, here’s a form that you will fill out to help me understand what choices you want for your album.  You can choose from album material, the cover, sizes, and foil stamping: 

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Images of what the albums look like:

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