Five Tips How I make blogging my weddings EASY and EFFECTIVE!

Below we’ll be discussing 5 tips on how I make blogging my weddings easy and effective — now don’t click away! Hear me out and I may just change your mind if you (like me) HATE writing blogs!
Tip One: WHY?
If you are like me and HATE writing blogs, here’s WHY you HAVE to write them:
- Consistently posting boosts your SEO. That’s a No brainer.
- It’s 100% FREE marketing. Who doesn’t love free?
- Your clients will LOVE being features and share it with family and friends and those people will refer YOU when asked if they know a wedding photographer.
- An inactive blog can make it appear to a future client that you’re out of business. YIKES
Right about now, many of you are thinking, UGGHHHH – I know I should BUT:
- “I am terrible at writing.”
- “No one reads my blog!”
- “Uhh one more thing to add to my ever-growing list of things to do!”
Stay tuned, and I should overcome each of those things you may think!
How I help my wedding photography clients is I’m all about creating systems to make this crazy wedding business easier and more effective.
TIP TWO: Pre-Wedding Questionnaire
One way I do that is with my pre-wedding questionnaire for my clients: This enables me to easily and quickly write a blog to post within 72 hours after the wedding (YES I know, roll your eyes – I’ll explain more in a sec)
TIP THREE: Include four basic things in each blog post
These are four things I put in every single blog post as a minimum:
- What is the name of the venue, where is it located (city name and area), and the couple’s first name. TIP: make sure all of that is in the FIRST PARAGRAPH as this is what will spike your SEO and get you found.
- How did the couple meet?
- How did the groom propose?
- Describe their first date?
TIP FOUR: Include 35-50 images
Then after writing the blog, I take my favorite images typically 50-75 (yes I know that’s a lot but this is my sneak peek for my brides 48-72 hours after the wedding) and it boosts your SEO. It’s part of my process so I can photograph my wedding, deliver the sneak peek in 72 hours and enjoy all of the traffic to my website and social media accounts because the bride and groom are sharing it with all their friends and family. I get the work done, and my clients and their friends and family are blown away because RARELY does that happen.
Naming/Sizing your images: I use Blogstomp (but there is other software out there) and it resizes and names them so incredibly fast (and who has time?). Things to think about. Why? Well images names are also SEO searchable and when your title, your blog details, and your images have keywords, your website/blog will start rising in google algorithm and you’ll rise higher on the search page for your location or venue:
- You must resize them as you don’t want your blog loading slowly or people will click away
- Name them important searchable words like venue, city, state, your name, wedding. EX. SanJoseCAWeddingatXYZbyJenVazquezPhotography1
TIP FIVE Including Branding words:
Lastly, make sure that you include your branding words (three words that describe your ideal bride and brand – for me is adventurous, playful and fun party brides). You can use these words somewhere in each blog post and an unconscious pattern will develop for your brides to be about your brand and it helps google show your content to your ideal brides.
Want more info?
If you found this helpful – I will have more of this in my upcoming course, Identify Attract Book: A course helping Wedding Photographers identify their ideal brides and book them with a simple but effective system. You can sign up on the waitlist to hear when it opens HERE.