7 Ways You Can Make Money On Pinterest

I’m so excited to share with you 7 Ways You Can Make Money On Pinterest.
Get ready to unleash the secret weapon in your marketing arsenal! Pinterest may be a hidden gem, but it’s a FREE and super-powered platform that your business simply can’t ignore, plus it can help you to make more money in your business!
A couple of things to note:
- You need to have a Pinterest business account
- You need to claim your website
- You need to be using very strategic keywords that entice people to click
- You need to be consistent.
If consistency is a problem, you can use Tailwind to do all of the pinning for you, you simply load in the content and it drips it out over time on the best dates/times for you.
OR you can outsource it to someone like me.
Now that the Pinterest Creator Rewards program is ending I thought I’d share all the ways (besides that) that you can make money!

Working with Brands by Partnering
Yes, that’s right, you are able to be a Pinterest Influencer!
Partner up with your favorite brands and let the magic happen! A paid partnership is where a creator, like you, teams up with a brand to create awesome content that promotes their products. All you have to do is tag the brand in your Pinterest Idea Pin, and voila! The “Paid Partnership” label will appear, making it clear to everyone that you’re working with the brand. Just make sure the brand approves the tag first, so their name can shine alongside yours!
You can learn all about this on Pinterest
Most Pinterest partnerships are often formed outside of Pinterest, but some people have connected with brands through Pinterest by creating an Idea Pin, talking about a product they love, and then tagging that brand!
And if that brand really loves your content, they could turn that idea pin into an ad they pay for. This will help YOU get more exposure!
To get the best chance are getting those brand deals, you’ll want to see what content they create and use that as inspiration for something you want to do.
Increasing your engaged audience, getting more impressive and followers will also help to entice them to work with you.
Make Your Idea Pins Shoppable
Get ready to make shopping a breeze for your audience! When you tag products in your Idea Pins, you’re giving your followers the power to shop your picks with just a few clicks. All you have to do is search for the product you want to recommend and tag it in your Pin.
It’s that simple! Your followers will thank you for making their shopping experience effortless.

Create Affiliate Idea Pins
Affiliate marketing is an amazing way to build passive income as you can receive a commission when someone sees your content and makes a purchase. ]
While you can link directly to the affiliate link, be sure to try linking to a blog post where that content is. You’ll make google happy and the links to your claimed website typically get the best reach.
Make sure you don’t mess with the FTC! Clearly, state when affiliate links are being shared within a piece of content.
PRO TIP: Pinterest discourages link shorteners or tools that disguise the final URL when sharing affiliate links.
Send Traffic to Your Blog
Getting people to your blog helps Google to feel the love and spread your website to more people in searches, helps you create that know, like, and trust, and helps the Pinner to discover new information or find inspiration for free!
Creative Marketing Summit
The Creative Marketing Summit can help you transform your service-based business with valuable insights and actionable strategies on how to find, attract, and book your ideal clients at our marketing summit.
Send Traffic to Your Services
Create pins for your services as people are looking for your services on Pinterest. Create pins that are your brand colors but also try other colors to appeal to more people. Use a variety of keywords on multiple pins til you find the sweet spot or keywords that work best for your ideal client.
Send Traffic to Your Freebies/Lead Magnets
Pinterest is amazing for lead magnets and the pins stick around and stay around sending consistent traffic to your lead magnet growing your email list.
- Create a Lead Magnet (Cheatsheet, Quiz, and Checklist are best)
- Create several pins (using different images and text overlay) that link to that blog post
- Pin those pins to Pinterest on multiple boards that make sense over time (not all at once) or use Tailwind to be able to send it all at one sitting and Tailwind will drip it out for you!
- It’s important to make sure that you have 3-5 welcome emails that auto send each day after they sign up telling them who you are, how you help, what services you have and a call to action to take the next step.
- And in the last email, you give them an offer (course, membership, or service)

Send Traffic to Your Youtube Channel / Podcast
Really smart Youtubers and Podcast hosts are using Pinterest to drive more traffic to those platforms. It drives traffic over days, weeks, months, and even years, so why wouldn’t you?
Don’t Forget! Help Is Available
- Find tips and best practices on the Pinterest Business site
- Get inspired and share your success on the Pinterest Business Community (I became a Pinterest Pioneer chosen by Pinterest to help in the community in November of 2022)
- Troubleshoot issues at the Pinterest Help Center
Don’t Forget to Pin It!